Entomology, chemical ecology, evidence-based environmentalism and science in general. I like big bugs and I cannot lie.

Tuesday, 4 November 2008


I had my vaccinations today, and am now immune to pretty much every known disease.

From left to right I've had typhoid, hepatitis A and B, tetanus, diptheria and polio. I need to go back next week for hepatitis boosters, yellow fever, rabies and flu vaccine, the last of which made me suspect the nurse was just looking in her fridge and sticking anything she could find in me.


1 comment:

Imogen said...

I'm cringing at the thought that this afternoon I have to go and have Hepatitis A and the tetanus/polio/diphtheria trilogy at a clinic near Victoria Station (only place that could do me at 24 hours notice). I hate injections. Wah, misery me. Tell me you don't come over all peculiar after Hep A and co...